Paris Destination Guide
We appreciate you taking the time to check out our Paris destination guide. Trust us, we hate asking for money as much as you hate forking it over, but this is how we fund our travels. Your contribution allows us to check out a destination and then share our experiences with you. We know not everyone loves detailed planning as much as we do, so hopefully our helpful guides give you a jump start in planning your dream vacation! Forget purchasing that $15 guide book you won’t be able to fit in your luggage and download our super compact beginner’s guide to Paris! This guide is intended for first-time visitors to Paris and is based on our personal experiences. It is not intended to be a comprehensive list on everything there is to do and see in the City of Lights, so if you plan to visit for just a few days, this guide will be perfect for you!

This 4-page guide includes information on:
Transportation | Money Saving Tips | Recommended Activities Based on Interest | When to Visit | Where To Stay | Attractions by Arrondissement
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